Quote Scouse Viking="Scouse Viking" but who's to say that a combination of broadcaster, established sports clubs and money men couldn't get something going.'"
Catalan would have to give up about eu$1.75 million a year of funding...unless they were to be given this by the new league. Then add the other 7 teams and you have a $14,000,000 a year requirement from TV, before you even kicj a ball. I can't see the Dragons jumping ship for anything less than a 5 year guarantee, so there's eu$70,000,000 to start with.
Then you have to promote it, ensure the lower divisions are not totally excluded, have a development plan for player development, self sustainabillity etc.....
I reckon there would need to be in the region of eu$200,000,000 needed for the first 5 years of this comp....as well as 8 really rich benefactors willing to match that level of investment.....so eu$2,500,000 each per year over 5 years with no assurances that you will ever see a cent of that money back.
So, it's simple really, a TV company willing to take a eu$70,000,000 punt and 8 nutters each with $12,500,000 to spend over 5 years for no return....as well as another $30,000,000 in sponsorship and merchandising revenues....
...I can't believe nobody has thought of it before hand