Quote Wellsy13="Wellsy13"Or subsequently, you could make an appointment at specsavers?

Picked up my current specs there only a month ago so if you have a beef about my eyesight you should take it up with them
Quote Wellsy13="Wellsy13"That is possibly the most illogical theory I've ever heard.'"
I aim to please.
Quote Wellsy13="Wellsy13"An overwhelming majority? Most Leeds fans ... '"
Whoa!! let me stop you right there. The views of Leeds fans simply do not count, surely we agree on that at least?
Quote Wellsy13="Wellsy13"The VR isn't always right.'"
That's a bit of a quantum leap from a statement that the VR was correct on this one occasion, isn't it? Only a fool would say he is always right. And I or any Bulls fan could point you to a million definitive incidents where he wasn't. Who said they were infallible?