Quote The Glorious League Freak="The Glorious League Freak"You know the difference between 1910 and 2010?
100 years.
You know back then people used to ride horses to work, out houses were your only option, you didnt buy a house, you built it, and you couldnt drink the water without getting sick.
It was a lot like modern day Salford really.
I guess the point I'm trying to make is that, things that worked 100 years ago sometimes wont translate well into 2010 life.
A lot like your modern resident of Salford.
So you take a "Northern Union" team, which is basically that ****ing sh*t aweful side you took to Australia for last years World Cup. You throw them in yet a different jersey, give them yet another name.
So now you want to play New South Wales. New South Wales only play State Of origin matches, three games in the middle of the season, but now you want to sell a game between a much loved and followed side against a bunch of p*ss poor Poms who are so busy fight over petty little club rivalries between little old towns in little old Northern England, to really care to much about playing football.
Not that they can do that well to begin with.
But lets say in some strange world, this contest actually happens, and New South Wales walks it in with a 50 point win in front of 15,000 fans.
Now we are off to Queensland, and Queensland is still in the 1980's, so at least its only an 80 year spread there. Still, after a week of everyone laughing at the previous weeks pathetic contest, 10,000 turn up to see Queensland put 70 past whats left of this stupid pommy outfit you've thrown together.
Its all a learning process though!
So now you have Tests to sell against Australia and then New Zealand....
Do you see where I'm going with this.
Its a stupid, stupid idea. Stupid.'"
My god!
People are looking at me in the office wanting to know why I'm crying with laughter at my desk