Quote wiganermike="wiganermike"As Robbie Paul said on the Super League Show "take it with a big pinch of salt...they have been talking of building it for ten years" when Harry Gration talked about this "great news for Salford". Anybody can (and many clubs repeatedly have) produce an artists' impression, cgi representation of the stadium or talk of positive steps and agreed delivery dates. Salford said they had started work three years ago and it came to nothing. They would be wise to say nothing and wait until the stands have started to be built, then get this shown on television. That would make it more than the sort of empty promises they have repeatedly spun the authorities before.
=#BF0040I hope that they like Cas, Wakey and all other clubs get their new stadia built but all these false dawn announcements do them no credit at all. Widnes, Leigh and Halifax all have their stadia in place now so computer images and articles like this just aren't good enough. They need to show us the stadium actually being built. Clubs below SL have done it Salford and the others have to do so as well.'"
I can only speak for Wakey, but none of the announcements made have been intentional 'false dawns'. It is bloomin' difficult to get everything together to build a stadium - and 100 times harder without the aid of a decent-ish soccer club. All the clubs aspire to have new stadia and each one has a unique group of people and a unique package. Each one also has a unique set of potential pit-falls - but the clubs themselves, the fans and the game in general deserves a better deal from both near and far.
Hats off to those who have found their Holy Grail, but be under no illusion, nor treat with any disdain, the efforts made by the remaining clubs.
Good luck to Salford - despite the stadium being much more modest than the original concept, I think it looks a more viable proposition and, when delivered, it will do the job it is intended for.