Quote Ferocious Aardvark="Ferocious Aardvark"Your powers of observation are on a par with your wit'"

you are so predictable FA
I knew you couldn't resist coming back with a little quip
It's like shooting fish in a barrel
I bet you are in real turmoil today;
- watch cyclists or use my power as a mod
- watch cyclists or use my power as a mod
- watch cyclists or use my power as a mod
Decisions, descisions.
You must be the life and soul of the party when/if you go out
Q. Hey FA, what have you done today?
A. I broke a post into small sections and replied to each bit with my razor sharp wit and supreme intelligence
Q. Did that make you feel better?
A. Yes, I am powerful and controlling, I make users quake and question themselves when I have a dig at them - they are mere mortals, but I am the all powerful FA
Come on FA - respond to it - take the bait - you know you want to - you know you need to - you cant resist it - you like to lord over people.
Or could you show that you are a better man and just ignore it?
Lets add a little twist.
I'm a dyed in the wool Bradford fan (started watching Northern in the steaming pig days), watched them through the highs and lows, season ticket holder for more years than I can remember, still go to most games with my mates and we've spent £000's over the years and it's been good.
So, if you don't have any respect for me as a Bradford Bulls fan - feel free to respond with another quip (or ban me, cos I know you are itching to do it).
Or, accept that we both have a passion for, and support the same team and just accept that we have different points of view and you don't need to keep trying to put people down just to make yourself look like a big man. Its not impressing anyone - in fact they think you are a bit sad. So just bite your lip (or your keyboard finger) and count to 10, go on you can do it.
I think you'll fail. But lets see............
Oh and no cheating - you cant have someone else come back at me on your behalf; and you cant use a nom de plume.
Just to make it interesting I'll have a little side bet with the lads