Thank you to everyone that has replied to me and sorry for the delay, just finished work.
The good thing about the whole situation is that my daughter was oblivious to the comments made as she was running back to her seat at the time.
If she had heard them it could quite possibly of put her off coming again so I'm grateful of that at leased.
Never the less the overall experience was incredible, in contrast I witnessed a Wigan supporter stopped in his tracks on the way back to his car by a Catalan fan who congratulated him on a magnificent victory by his team, then the next thing they both swapped shirts shook hands and went on their separate ways.
Ive seen players do this in big games like the wcc but never spectators...!
In reference to the conga mentioned ealier I witnessed a teenager pulled from his seat to take part but clearly didn't want to. The lad was really quite embarrassed walking back to his seat.
I completely understand that they are a very small percentage of our loyal fan base and not true Bulls Fans.
I also have to agree there should be a way to naming and shaming repeat offenders just like they do in other sports? And maybe they will think twice before they turn aggressive.