Quote Ferocious Aardvark="Ferocious Aardvark"I believe Noble to be an honourable man, and he is Bradford to the core, and a legend to boot. He is also a friend of Mick Potter.
If he says he was asked, and agreed, on Monday only after the sackings, then I believe him.
Given that Potter has gone and we have a team and no coach, Nobby volunteering his services is a gesture I would expect from him. He did not sack Potter and him not agreeing to help out will do nothing whatsoever for Potter (with whom I have every sympathy). Nobby cites the vitriolic reaction he has faced since the news came out as what is making him reconsider. What do these sort of people want? A team running on the pitch with absolutely no coaching staff of any sort? How is that fair on the players, who they presumably expect to perform despite the sackings?
I would urge Nobby to think again, those spewing the vitriol are surely a tiny minority, I believe he would be applauded to the rafters if he took the decision to step into the breach.
Fans should not forget that Potter was asked if he would stay in the role for no pay, and he (very understandably) refused. Nobody should criticise Nobby for agreeing to do what Mick Potter didn't feel able to do. Coaching for nothing is hardly a great job offer and it was a hateful dilemma for him to be placed in, but one thing is sure - it is in no way Nobby's fault that Potter refused, and he shouldn't be blamed for it. If Potter had said yes then Nobby would not have been asked.'"
This is the most measured and sensible posting I have seen on here for some considerable time. I applaud it with all my heart