Quote Bully_Boxer="Bully_Boxer"Not sure what you're hoping to gain from setting up a supporters trust. There is already one in existence that has places available on the board for anyone who wants to offer their services.
The Bulls will be long gone by the time you have gone through all the various legalities that need to be followed and a bank account opened. I know everyone is feeling pretty desperate and eager to try help but perhaps some sort of plan needs to be put forward first. I can't think of a realistic one, but I am open to being convinced there is something we could do.'"
Very sadly I've got to agree with Bully-Boxer, there is a supporters trust in place already in Bullbuilder, there is no time to even try to set up another.
I do know what you mean though Adele, people are so desperate to try and do something constructive to save our Club and if there was even a slight chance that us as fans could do anything I'd be in there doing everything I could along with a lot of other people I know but realisticaly unless one of us wins the lottery and quick our hands are tied. Will there be someone there from the Club, will Mr Guilfoyle be there to answer any questions and has already been asked what sort of agenda is there and who is taking charge of this and leading the meeting?
Had we continued to raise funds back when all this started we would have had a good chance of at least making a good dent in the money needed, maybe even shocking everyone and raising enough to save the Bulls but 8 days left and according to the T and A the potential backers have backed out.
I've been reading about the meeting too as I knew I would not be able to make it due to monday night commitments but really other than giving desperate fans something constructive to focus on I can't see how it could help in honesty, it might be the last chance some of us have though of seeing Odsal if the worst happens and those gates finally close.
There just does not seem to be a silver lining in sight here guys and that's the most depressing and upsetting thing of all.