Firstly, let it be accepted that Bongser is not a troll. His secondary support for The Bulls should have been noted by most regulars by now and, when he speaks of Leigh’s relative strength this season (pleased though it makes him), he is not crowing but merely making observations about teams that he has watched “in the flesh” this season.
Quote Bull Mania="Bull Mania"Newcastle have been pretty average this season, looks like they are in that transition of PT to FT. '"
Newcastle are in tenth but on the same points as Bradford. Bongser was quite impressed by their performance at LSV, albeit against a team that was still short on numbers. No other side has scored 18 points or more at our HQ this season. No pushover.
Quote Bull Mania="Bull Mania" I expect us to win but it will be another stumble over the finish line…..the same old habits of putting the que on the rack and letting them back in it continued.
I do think there's a half decent team in us, we just need someone to come in and change the culture IMO'"
Not sure The Bulls are putting the cue on the rack, more likely they don’t have the energy to walk as far as the rack. It has been documented plentifully on this forum that too many players are carrying too many pounds.
Agree with your last point Bull Mania. The new guy needs to come in sooner rather than later especially if Gledders is right for once.
FWIW (and hopefully unsurprisingly), Bongser hopes you win.