Quote Saddened!="Saddened!"It really doesn't say anything I need to take note of though does it? Not to be too critical, but it's a very simply written and just summarises what we are saying and offers no solution to our current problems, it's just suggesting that we bury ours heads and ignore everything, which is hardly what sports fans are supposed to do. He mentions the clubs poor recruitment and the poor performance of it's players. The stuff about the cap and contracts is just common sense, but also pretty naive. If someone has a contract and is told they aren't wanted for example, they very often find their will to stay diminishes to the point where they leave. People are managed out of businesses and sporting organisations all the time.
If you tell the likes of Hohaia and Laffranchi they will be playing for Rochdale all next season, you would find they'd very soon find an alternative that sees them being in Australia.
The article also touches on the kind of rubbish the likes of =#FF0000Top Saint and her crew bang on about, that you are somehow less of a fan if you moan about how the club is doing. Nonsense, utter nonsense. If the club has got into this mess, why does Bronco and the likes of Top Saint think it will get any better? It'll be the same people recruiting and the same medical staff looking after the players. The truth is that the club hasn't been trying to be successful on the field. It's ignored it, doing as little as it could to get away with it. If anything, the pressure from the fans should be increasing, rather than being asked to bury our heads in the sand. The club is doing an absolutely appalling job and they should know that.'"
Just call me Lilly Savage!!