Quote Rommel="Rommel"Anyone who only goes to Saints v Wigan derby's and finals is also an idiot
No... I think you'll find they're someone who sensibly can't see any point in paying good money and giving up a pleasant and relaxing Friday evening to see meaningless dross.
...and a [i
very [/ipoor effort by the way. Very limited in wit and apparent intelligence. Disappointing. Must do a lot better to stand any chance in an exchange of badinage with a colossus such as I. I can score you at no better than D-. Better luck next time, eh?
Tell you what, I'll do you a favour. How about using this for a reply to me in terms your limited little mind can handle:
"Hur, hurrrrr... You an idiot innit? Hur, hurrrr... me make joke.... me funny... me post smiley:

hurrrr, hurrrr... now me even funnier.... me type with stick on forehead as knuckles worn down from scraping on floor and self-abuse... me live in attic chained to radiator by parents who ashamed and feed me with fish-head buckets... me like fish-heads...."
Try that one on for size - you'll look like even more of a big funny man then, eh?