my stobart experience:
parking: got there an hr before k.o hoping to park on the college carpark... not a chance. ended up in a side street. seen some parking on asda(did anybody park on there? and did you get a ticket??) even saw some parking on the police station carpark!
the stadium: we sat in the 1st row in the north stand and got drenched! shades of twickers... it brought a whole new meaning to 'grass roots rugby' !! in between the camera man,the microphone man,the linesman,the ball boys and the stewards we saw some of the game

until the action went near the tryline and then it a case of waiting for the crowd reaction. safe to say i will not be sitting there again!
the atmosphere: was totally dead in the north stand.. the fans from the scaff need to sit in the north stand every game to get the atmosphere going or we will get out sung by every away teams fans that visit