Am I the only one who didn't go tonight? I've got a very good excuse tonight before you ask.
But anyway, the game. Do Saints realise it's kicked off yet, or are we just completely knackered after last weeks efforts, like I suggested we would be? Even Mick Potter has been nodding off when Sky have panned to his mug on Sky, he keeps sipping Vodka and red bull to keep it going. Our ball retention has been poor, I don't think Gilly has been tackled yet, he's dropped it on every touch he's had. The tackling around the play the ball is non existant and Wigan have been cutting us to bits down the middle because of it and the ease with which they can offload.
Wigan's defense has impressed me, they have denied us any sort of territory even on the play in which we've not made an error. We are lucky to still be in the game, 6-6 is quite miraculous, we've scored from one of two possessions in their half and they been camped in our half yet they've only scored from an unplanned grubber.
Is it the dreaded rain? Surely it's worth questioning if it could be abandoned about now?