Quote Remarkable_Rhinos="Remarkable_Rhinos"Forget Amor, and forget how good he is/isn't, and forget whether or not he'd get into the Leeds team, and forget the GAME of Rugby in general.
Leeds Rugby Ltd is a business. A business' sole purpose is to make money.
Imagine for a second that you run a company supplying Teddy Bears. You're doing pretty well, winning the prestigious "Teddy Manufacturer of the Year" award for 3 years in a row! Anyway, you're massively overstaffed, but don't really want to sack someone cos Jim is close to retirement.
The Teddy Bear company down the road (who's not doing so well, and are about to have to close down!) says... "We're really short staffed, and struggling to fulfil orders can we borrow Mark, and not only will we pay his wage, we'll also give you a bit of cash to say thanks!". You'd think to yourself, well, Mark is only really sweeping the floors here, it would be good if he got to actually make a few Teddies before Jim retires, and the cash would help! Sure... off you go Mark!.
Then... Disney call... It's a big order!! "We need a company who's able to supply us with 10,000 Teddies."
Now, as a businessman, you know the little factory down the road cannot possibly even begin to compete with you to win that order, after all, you won "Teddy Manufacturer of the Year" in '07, '08 & '09, and they've won nothing!
What if, even though you're bigger, and better, and still had the capability to supply the 10,000 teddies, during the production a machine gets a fault, then you have a power cut, and Jim's dog dies so his mind isn't on the job, then the van gets a flat tyre, and the stuffing you've ordered isn't what it was supposed to be and through no real fault of your own the rival company wins the Disney contract.
Would Mark have made any difference to any of that? No, he wouldn't have fixed the machine, or stopped a power cut, or saved Jim's dog, or repaired the tyre, in fact, he'd probably be still just sweeping your floors, but because they had that extra pair of hands that just made them that little bit more able to compete. Just having what you considered "only a floor sweeper" to help them pack a few boxes, meant the could just about muster the 10,000 teddies together in time to compete with your big arrogant corporation. Gutted.'"
In the 9 years or so I've been lurking on this forum, this is possibly the most ridiculous thing I have ever read

Saying that, I do appreciate the effort you've put into this posting (and many others), so I doth my cap in your direction.
I think your point is bonkers and pretty incidental with regards to Leeds' success/failure this coming season, so why I'm biting on this for a 3rd time, I don't know?!
So with that, I'm out