Quote Greg Florimos Boots="Greg Florimos Boots"Interesting like you say, the cringe part with the talk of a moral high ground seemed a little excessive but I get what Clayton was saying in regards to the pitch but there is a problem around that. If the council sell the ground to Davy with Fax refusing to invest anything then Davy could very easily either use the current rolling contract to increase rent. Ultimatley Fax will have very little say in the councils decision but the hardball approach seems a risky road to go down with someone who could go on to be the clubs new landlord.'"
Don’t think Fax are playing hard ball, it looked like the opposite and were more than keen for it to happen and as I’ve said before this situation is being forced on us, the council are wanting to sell it’s not us wanting to buy so someone will likely become the new owner / landlord with the same unavoidable risks involved whoever it is but they will need to get the balance right in not pricing themselves out of some income by charging an amount that can’t be paid and forcing us out.
(Interesting side point on shared ground rent, where Davy is concerned with the Giants and Huddersfield Town I believe he thought the football club should be paying more because they used it more so another small insight into his way of thinking that might work in our favour.)
To say at this stage from what he said or hinted at that Fax are refusing to contribute resulting in Davy increasing the rent etc is a bit imaginative and premature as he’s not got it yet and the exact amount of any loans and repayment terms are unknown at the moment but if it gets to that stage just to try that approach and possibly tie it in with the disruption factor compensation which is something else that weighs heavily in our favour with us being the most affected and see where it went, who wouldn’t want to save paying around 100 grand?
My biggest cringe / chuckle moment was when RD was answering the recruitment question which I thought shouldn’t be hard since we aren’t doing any

and he just mumbled on a bit with a few u r’s and DR’s, last year with Leeds before quickly giving the mike back.