Quote Sumbody="Sumbody"Am I the only person reading the OP brainfart of an idea as:-
1. Get the Council to pay us to leave The Shay
2. Get the Council to overturn the covenant on Saville Park
3. Get the Council to build us a new ground
The result being
1. We mickey off numerous local amateur clubs that use Saville Park
2. We lose out on corporate facilties, club shop & dining
3. We lose out when we play Leigh or Bradford due to the 2000 capacity
4. We're still in a council owned & run ground that's just smaller than The Shay & will cost a helluva lot of money to expand up to The Shay's standards
5. We pay £25 to watch Fax cos we have no dining or corporate facilities and the club shop is a car boot'"
Not to mention that a lot of Town fans will hate us more when the council sell the Shay and they have no home because they could not pay the rent that the council wanted on it despite them throwing a big celebration party for us leaving.