Quote littlerich="littlerich"d fat Nige saying how transparent it is. '"

Decisions made behind closed doors where NOTHING is open to the public to see who gets the SL spots and why. The dealings with Crusaders also are not transparent as the RFL have never come out and said "well we have leant them XXX as we need them and Quins in SL". The lies and hypocrisy from Woods and Lewis is unreal. Be honest about it atleast and stop the BS-it is pushing people away from the game!
I also heard the bit where Lewis said " Well I think Widnes benefitted from not being accepted last time,it was too short a time to plan and prepare...". What absolute rubbish! Like it was OK for Crusaders to be rushed in and make a whole mess of things but Widnes not? Honestly these clueless clowns make me sick and make me angry. I know hundreds of people that refuse to watch Rugby League because of the way the RFL/SL is. I feel I am going that way slowly as just fed up of the people running and ruining it. Thanks for killing my love for the game Lewis & Wood.