Quote vikings 4 ever="vikings 4 ever"Widnes putting 76 past you the other year couldn't have been much fun.
Was a great day.. we were drinking sambuca at 12 then polished off a load of beer in the car before getting to the ground and going in the bar in your main stand to find after shock was on offer.. anyway.. several later we had to run to to our seats.. which we didn't do as we found the bar under the stand, got to our seats and was 12-0 down.. never looked back.. one of our lads missed most of the match (he only came for up) as was sat on the bar under the stand.. anyway being very drunk we decided to stop off at maccy D's for some food.. got hassled by a chav, pushed him off his bike and never laughed so much.. got back in the car had a snooze and back to the pub in fax... all in all brilliant day