Look at the irrelevant posters trying get a rise - give it up chaps, you're not good enough.
Toddle off now and worship your new idol Patrick Hutchinson, while - like good unquestioning saps - not questioning why was he wearing kevlar tactical knuckle gloves (conveniently edited out of pretty much every media pic), and why he and his gang were all kitted out for a scrap?
Ask yourselves why a bloke having a pss in a corner gets 2 weeks in jail and a BLM girl who assaults 3 police officers gets a small fine and suspended sentence, why we've seem several examples of packs of feral BLM attacking lone whites, even slashing at someone's throat - yet a stupid fat drunk white man taking a pss gets all the headlines.
Then reverse the skin colours in all of the above and imagine the outcry.
You've been fed the anti-UK, anti-white, far left feckin uber liberal agenda for so long you're finally as blinkered and stupid as we've always poked in jest.
The left never learn. They think by accusing everyone else of a crime (in this case racism), by condemning, vilifying and hurling abuse at all & sundry, by aiming all this hate at anyone who disagrees, they will get their way. A decade of abject failure at the ballot box should tell you otherwise. Bye bye now.